Informácie ohladne wipe

Server bude prechádzať na Minecraft 1.2 v dohľadnej dobe. Čaká sa na stable verziu bukkitu a pluginov.

Mapa bude kompletne vymazaná a bude postavený nový spawn. Hráči dostanú nejaké bonusy do začiatku tak isto ako aj VIP (VIP budú mať týchto bonusov viac).


Příspěvek byl publikován v rubrice Nezařazené. Můžete si uložit jeho odkaz mezi své oblíbené záložky.

20 komentářů u Informácie ohladne wipe

  1. aledpp napsal:

    eGCoHc , [url=]htolfilkhzks[/url], [link=]oylatetyohns[/link],

  2. ooilvvued napsal:

    cmaSun , [url=]jdjxolpftseb[/url], [link=]ubcqvopdmtna[/link],

    • Bob napsal:

      napsal:Dobry den,mal by som par otazok:1) je moonszt mat clanky u slovenkych blogerov2) aka je priblizna cena jedneho clanku?3) clanky sa vkladaju na web blogera alebo aj niekde inde?4) mozu byt v clankoch aj odkazy na stranky?5) kde sa da zaregistrovat, resp. kde je nenaky odkaz na stranke? Dakujem

    • Alexsandra napsal:

      Du kannst ihn dir ja selebr recht einfach unter Windows aufsetzen und mit dem Client selebr beitreten. Zum Testen reicht das alle mal.

  3. Monica napsal:

    We need Mumble to record the ioaversntcon easily. We could, of course, move to recording on Ventrilo. So, no, I don’t think we need both. I just need to know, if I am going to continue to edit the audio, which one we want to use so I can plan for that.I also, while I as lurking on Twitter earlier today, that you posted screenshots from the January Gaming Session, David. I sent a message to you, but I will leave it here too. If we want, in the future, I could probably arrange to do video too. I just need several days notice and then about a week to sync the episode up to it.I was thinking, along those same lines, that if we and I guess I am talking more to Roger and David here want to try all playing a multiplayer game again, it might be interesting to go the tourist route and talk about the game as we walk around a world. It’s been something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time and I think, if we can find the right game and get the people together, something VGHVI might be a great place to host. It could be like those National Geographic/History shows where a group of people walk around an ancient site of a battle and tell you about its history and culture.

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